Breaking The ICE


LoginLab Researchers

Prof. Frances Kay-Lambkin

Status Update:

Research project completed. 

The increasing use of methamphetamine (“crystal meth” or “ice”) is a significant concern across the Australian population, with an estimated 160,000 Australians dependent on the drug . Many of the problems related to ice use stem from heavy use of the drug, and can be successfully reduced with effective treatment. However, the majority people who use methamphetamine do not access treatment services despite meeting criteria for dependence and experiencing problems from their methamphetamine use.

The Breaking the Ice program is designed to help you become more aware of how your current lifestyle and your use of ice affects your health and other areas of your life. It will also help you to weigh up the important issues or problems you have identified. In this program you will also be given information about where you can get information and help to make some changes if that is what you decide to do.



Implement an effective online tool that can engage with you people aged 16-25 years who are using methamphetamine, not currently in treatment, and increase their access to treatment services.

Online interventions provide a way of engaging with methamphetamine users who are not in treatment, and who may not seek treatment because of low perceived need for treatment, stigma, concerns about confidentiality and/or physical barriers to treatment such as geographic remoteness.



The Breaking the ICE program was analysed and evaluated to determine its effectiveness. 

Click the link to view the results: 

Click the link to access the Breaking the Ice website